Here at Michigan State we welcome winter as we return to classes and our labs. I would like share what we have been up to over break and provide a preview of what CAP will be working on this semester. What We Did Over The …
Next week is the annual Midwest Archaeological Conference (October 10-12, 2019) in Mankato, MN. Below is a list of dates and times of all MSU presentations. This includes past, present, and retired MSU graduate students and faculty. Included is a poster on the Campus Archaeology …
Interested in hearing what MSU graduate students and professors are presenting at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology? Below is a list compiled including the names, title of presentation/poster, date, time, and location for each MSU scholar! We hope to see you in Albuquerque, New Mexico!
Thursday Morning, April 11, 2019
Poster Session ~ Geoarchaeology in the New World
Room: La Sala
Time: 10:30 am – 12:30 am
Sarah Meinekat, Christopher Miller, Emily Milton, & Kurt Rademaker
Quebrada Jagay – 280 (QJ-280) under the Microscope: A Geoarchaeological Investigation of the Site Formation and Anthropogenic Features at a Peruvian Coastal Site
General Session ~ Bioarchaeology: South American Case Studies
Room: 20 Laguna
Time: 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Richard Sutter, Gabriel Prieto, Celeste Gagnon & Jordi Rivera Prince
Horizontality Revisited: Evidence for 3,000 Years of Prehistoric Biocultural Continuity of Fisherfolk at Huanchaco, North Coast of Peru
11:15 am
Thursday Afternoon, April 11, 2019
Symposium ~ Archaeologies of Health, Wellness, and Ability
Room 65 Hopi
Time: 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Stacey Camp
Healthcare and Citizenship in the Context of World War II Japanese American Internment
2:00 pm
Symposium ~ Capacity Building or Community Making? Training and Transitions in Digital Archaeology
Room: 18 Cochil/30 Taos
Time: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Ethan Watrall
Building Capacity and Communities of Practice in Digital Heritage and Archaeology
1:00 pm
Lynne Goldstein
4:45 pm
Poster Session ~ Experimental Archaeology in the Americas
Room: Hall 3
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Emily Milton & Joshua Schwartz
Not Something to Grind Your Teeth Over: Experimental Mounting of Enamel for Stable Isotope and Microscopic Analysis
Thursday Evening, April 11, 2019
Electronic Symposium ~ Towards a Standardization of Photogrammetric Methods in Archaeology: A Conversation about ‘Best Practices’ in an Emerging Methodology
Room: 10 Anasazi
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Amy Hair, Gabriel Wrobel, and Jack Biggs
The Maya Cranial Photogrammetric Field Methods in Burial Excavation
Friday Morning, April 12, 2019
Symposium ~ Attention to Detail: A Pragmatic Career of Research, Mentoring, and Service, Papers in Honor of Keith Kintigh
Room 275 Ballroom B
Time: 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Vincas Steponaitis & Lynne Goldstein
Struggling with Complex Decision-Making in Public Policy
10:00 am
General Session ~ Bioarchaeology in Peru
Room: 22 San Juan
Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Jordi Rivera Prince & Gabriel Prieto
Defining Markers of Occupational Stress in the Ancient Fisherman of Huanchaco, Peru: When Modern Ethnography and Bioarchaeology Intersect
11:45 am
Friday Afternoon, April 12, 2019
General Session ~ Paleoindian Archaeology in South America
Room: 60 Chaco
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Lauren Pratt & Kurt Rademaker
An Application of Surovell’s Behavioral Ecology Models of Site Occupation Length in the Peruvian Andes
3:30 pm
Taylor Panczak & Kurt Rademaker
Exploring Inter-zonial Connections through a Constructed Projectile Point Typology from Cuncaicha Rockshelter
3:45 pm
Friday Evening, April 12, 2019
Awards Presentation and Annual Business Meeting
Lifetime Achievement Award
Presented to Lynne Goldstein
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Saturday Morning, April 13, 2019
Symposium ~ Archaeological Method and Theory: Papers in Honor of James M. Skibo, Part 1.
Room: 10 Anasazi
Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Susan Kooiman
Functioning at Full Capacity: The Role of Pottery in the Woodland Upper Great Lakes
8:15 am
Autumn Painter & Jeffrey Painter
Walk with Me: Reflections on Almost a Lifetime with Dr. James Skibo
8:30 am
Symposium ~ Kin, Clan, and House: Social Relatedness in the Archaeology of North American Societies
Room: 240 La Cienega
Time: 8:00 am – 11:30 am
Chair: Jacob Lulewicz
Lynne Goldstein
Aztalan from the Perspective of Institutions of Social Relatedness
10:30 am
Poster Session ~ New Discoveries in South American Archaeology
Room: La Sala
Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Michael Cook & Kurt Rademaker
Raw Material Sourcing of Two Terminal Pleistocene Sites in Southern Peru
Saturday Afternoon, April 13, 2019
Poster Session ~ What’s For Dinner? Mesoamerican Diets and Foodways
Room: La Sala
Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Morgan McDenna, Gabriel Wrobel, Amy Michael, Amy S. Commendador & Patricia McAnany
Understanding the Diet of Late to Terminal Classic Period Maya Groups in the Sibun River Valley, Belize, through Food Web Reconstruction
Next week is the annual Midwest Archaeological Conference (October 4-6, 2018) in Notre Dame. Below is a list of dates and times of all MSU presentations, posters, and discussants. Included in these are two posters on Campus Archaeology projects that you should check out! Friday, …
We were excited once again to be a part of Grandparents University at MSU, an opportunity for grandparents and their grandkids to take classes, live on campus, and experience college life for three days. It is a great chance for us to interact with different …