North Academic District

: High - contact Campus Archaeology before proceeding with any projects

: West Circle Drive is the oldest historical area on campus. At its founding, the original four buildings were built by students using local products. Later expansion of the college surrounded the central sacred space, and adopted a landscape design based on landscape architect Frederick Law Olmstead’s household plan. This plan focused on a creating a land-grant college atmosphere that replicated a small-town atmosphere. Some of the oldest campus buildings still stand in this place: Laboratory Row, Morrill Hall, and Olds Hall all harken to between 1871 and 1906. Prehistoric material has also been identified near the Beal Botanical Garden and the Music Building.

Additionally, East Circle also contains portions of campus relating to the turn of the century, including gardens and buildings, as well as the location of the 19th century agricultural complex for the original college. The area along the river also holds particular interest, as this was the backyard of the original college, and therefore was where most trash was disposed of.

Completed Archaeological Work
: Saints’ Rest dormitory; Saints’ Rest Trash Pit; Faculty Row; College Hall.

Pending Projects
: Music Building Substation; Morrill Hall Renovation; Bessy Parking Ramp

Online Exhibits: Saints’ Rest Dormitory; Faculty Row