We want your opinion!

Today officially begins the first day of the last month of the year. This means here at Campus Archaeology we are starting to look ahead to future projects. The next semester is going to include a wide range of campus excavations due to a number of large construction projects occurring throughout the campus. We’ve also submitted a proposal to the Sustainability department on campus to begin looking at the practice of ‘being green’ from a historic viewpoint. I am currently working on building a comprehensive artifact guide for our interns and students to aid in identification. Finally, we’re developing lesson plans to teach archaeology to elementary students.

While we do have a number of projects currently being worked on, we’re also always on the look out for new exciting opportunities. We want to open to floor to you. What do you think Campus Archaeology should be investigating? What kinds of projects should we start looking at? What would interest you? Should we try a new way to reach out to the community or campus? Are there interesting programs or events we should be planning?

We’d appreciate any input for future projects and plans. Feel free to leave comments about anything you would like to see from Campus Archaeology in the upcoming year!

1 thought on “We want your opinion!”

  • Is there a record of the architects and builders that constructed the buildings on campus? Some of my ancestors, a German immigrant family named Schoenhals were builders that built or worked on some of the buildings such as the Science building. It would be nice to know about the everyday people who helped build the campus from the ground up!

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