The Campus Archaeology Program is committed to educating MSU’s students in archaeological methods and cultural heritage development. We emphasize education modeled in real world experience, and do so through a number of internships, graduate assistantships, and research opportunities.
Campus Archaeologist
The Campus Archaeologist position is a 1/2 time graduate assistantship for Anthropology students who have an interest in the continued development of the Campus Archaeology Program. This student leads archaeological mitigation projects, interacts with the public through digital social media, mentors undergraduate interns, and attends construction planning meetings, along with other duties. To apply, contact the Director of Campus Archaeology, Stacey Camp.
Graduate Research
Graduate Office Fellowships are also available to MSU graduate students who are interested in certain elements of Campus Archaeology related research projects. These students must apply for this funding by contacting the Director of Campus Archaeology, Stacey Camp, and presenting a brief research proposal.
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Interns are selected each semester to work with the Campus Archaeology Program. Each intern will learn the basics of archaeological and historical research, participate in excavations, and interact with the public. The Intern is responsible for a research project, which is presented to the public each spring at the MSU Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum. For more information and applications, follow this link.
Archaeological Field School
This is an opportunity for MSU students to enroll in a class taught by the Campus Archaeology Director and Campus Archaeologist, and instructs students in the real world application of archaeological methods during the excavations of an archaeological site on campus. For information on the previous 2015 field school, please visit this link 2015 CAP Field School. You can also visit the course’s website, which is open to the public. If you are interested in applying for the Summer 2019 field school, you can apply now here.