Beneath the Ivory Tower: The Archaeology of Academia
A new book is out, examining the recent archaeology that has been completed on college campuses. Most importantly, the book is co-edited by one of MSU’s Anthropology professors, Dr. Kenneth Lewis, and has contributions by MSU President Louanna K. Simon and professor of Anthropology Jodie O’Gorman. Both Dr. Lewis and Dr. O’Gorman were co-directors of the Saints’ Rest field school in 2005, and their articles reflect that excavation. There are also a number of other chapters about campus archaeology being done at institutions such as Notre Dame, the University of South Carolina, University of Massachusetts, Harvard, and Berkeley, to name a few.
Dr. Lewis’s introduction discusses the unique context of archaeology on a college campus, while his chapter discusses the difficulty archaeologists had at Saints’ Rest dealing with a limited archaeological record. Dr. O’Gorman discussed the very public nature of our excavations at Saints’ Rest and our work with the community, and President Simon discusses the importance of the past to the future of institutions of higher education. Visit our research section to read President Simon’s Forward.
The book can be purchased at Amazon, and will soon be available in the library.
Author: Terry Brock
To Whom It May Concern:
How can you get access to your new book “Beneath the IVORY TOWER”? I would like to order and buy one.
Hello, the book can be purchased from major book sellers like Amazon or it can purchased directly from the University Press of Florida.